Saturday, July 31, 2010

Night and Day

Little did I realize that having a baby is like training a dog. I have learned that you have to create or change behaviors with your baby so that you can cohabitate just like we have been doing with Sonny. What is the behabior that we are trying to change you ask? It is teaching Johnny what is night and what is day. We have been dealing with a little baby that likes to be wide awake at night and sleep all day. I read somewhere that newborns are awake for 16 hours. Well my baby is probably awake for 20. I am sure that since he was pre-term this has something to do with it but I am curious to see what life will be like once he is actually awake more. If J sleeps all day then you can be certain that he will be awake for 3 hours during the night which is becoming very difficult since I don't seem to be napping a whole lot during the day. Little did I know the protocol for night which I have started to do and so far seems to be working. You are supposed to keep the lights off and only change your baby if they have a poopy diaper. You shouldn't talk to them a ton and act very subdue. I was doing it all wrong. I was turning the lights on and sometime changing him twice. Ugh! If only I knew this weeks ago. Well glad to know how things should be and praying that I get more sleep in the near future.

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