Monday, September 6, 2010

Finally getting it

Johnny is 2 months (9 weeks today) and I can finally say that I am getting this motherhood thing. When Johnny is fussy I know what he actually wants at least most of the time. I wonder if it takes other moms this long to figure it out. The fact that I know his tired cry vs. hungry cry and get him what he needs is very rewarding. Brian always wants to feed him when he crys and now I can say oh no he is actually just tired so swaddle him up in his green blanket (which I also figured out he loves) and give him a binkie and he will be fine. I feel kinda bad that I have to tell Brian what he needs to do but I think he is okay with it as long as he stops crying.

In our mommy and baby class we all say that it is hard because we feel bad telling our husbands what they should do but in reality we are with them 24 hours a day and just know more. I love watching Brian parent and he is trying to get it but isn't 100% there yet. He typically is sitting down when holding Johnny and when he is crying he doesn't get up to bounce him or walk around and occasionally will lay him on the pillow to talk to him. I just stand there and hold my peace and then after a minute or so I say hey why don't you try bouncing him since that usually works. He will get up and walk around and sing to him and then I find him in the front room sitting on the couch trying to console him. It must be tiring for him to bounce or something. I chuckle a little bit and think oh he will get it some day but for now I will let him figure it out more on his own unless of course the baby is screaming his head off.


  1. I would say it takes all new moms that long to figure it out, maybe even longer. Oh and I still tell my hubby what my kids need when they are cranky....and they are toddlers. I would say he listens half the time, but is annoyed that I am still telling him 100% of the time. Hehe I can't help myself.

  2. He's so cute Jess, and you're so getting it! I have to say it's makes me giggle when I read your posts cause I still can't believe you're a mommy....and such a great mommy at that!! love you.

  3. It does get easier doesnt it! It is funny, when you have to leave the baby with Brian he will have to figure it out on his own and Daddy's can suprise us with how creative they can get to get him to stop crying. You are both great parents.
